Jeremey Piven
Jeremy Piven starred on the ex ABC drama "Cupid". I happened 2 be home on the Saturday night the show premiered. I had seen commercials for the show before, so I decided to give it a try. It was well worth it.

Jeremy plays Trevor (I LOVE that name) Hale on Cupid.
Sent 2 a mental institution because he claimed 2 be the Roman God Cupid. Under the care of Dr. Claire Allen, (Paula Marshall) Trevor is let out into the world to play (or be) Cupid once again. He says that he must match 100 couples without his magic arrows 2 go back 2 Olympus (or so he says).
He finds work as a bartender at Taggerty's and befriends Champ, an aspiring actor (Jeffrey Sams) who also becomes his roommate.
He's a real cutie!! He was in another movie that a few people know about and that's PCU. He can also be seen on old episodes of "Ellen", "Heat", and in "Gross Pointe Blank".
Check out "Cupid" on ABC on Satuday Nights at 10pm!!
The idiots of ABC CANCELED Cupid! Well....they didn't know a good show if it bit them in the A$$!!
Well...U can still see the adorable Jeremy Piven in the movie "Very Bad Things"!! He was as cute as ever!!!