Sax Jokes
Why don't sax players like playing soprano?
There's no place to hide your drugs,
What is the difference between Kenny G and M. Ravel's Bolero?
What is the difference between Kenny G and M. Ravel's Bolero?
What is the difference between Kenny G and M. Ravel's Bolero?
What is the difference between Kenny G and M. Ravel's Bolero?
What is the difference between Kenny G and M. Ravel's Bolero?
What is the difference between Kenny G and M. Ravel's Bolero?
What is the difference between Kenny G and M. Ravel's Bolero?
What is the difference between Kenny G and a machine gun?
The machine gun repeats only 10 times per second.
Kenny G gets on an elevator and says "Wow! This rocks!"
Why did the lead alto player play so many wrong notes?
Because he kept ignoring the key signature-- he thought it was a suggestion.
How many alto sax players does it take to change a lightbulb?
Five. One to do it, and four to comment on how David Sanborn would have done it.
How many C melody sax players can you fit into a phone booth?
All of them.
If lost in the woods, who do you ask for directions, an in-tune
tenor sax player, an out-of-tune tenor sax player, or Santa Claus?
The out-of-tune tenor sax player. The other two indicate that you're hallucinating.
What's the difference between a lawnmower and a tenor sax?
1. Lawnmowers sound better in small ensembles.
2. You can tune a lawnmower.
3. The neighbors are upset if you borrow a lawnmower and don't return it.
4. The grip.
What's the difference between the creationist theory of the origin of life and a tenor sax?
The theory doesn't have as many leaks.
What's the difference between a bari-sax and a chain saw?
1. Vibrato.
2. The exhaust.
You may be a redneck saxophonist if... have an old bass sax up on blocks in your front yard. spell it "saxaphone." think the bell of your instrument is a great place to hold a longneck during a gig.
...the gun rack in your pickup truck holds a couple of old Buesher sopranos. think that Boots Randolph is the greatest Jazz musician who ever lived.
What do a saxophone and a baseball bat have in common?
People cheer when you hit them with a bat.
What are trumpets made out of?
Leftover saxophone parts.
You are in a room with Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, and Kenny G.
You have a gun but only two bullets. What do you do?
Shoot Kenny G twice... just to make sure.
What is the difference between a saxophone and a trampoline?
You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.
What were the saxophone player's grades?
Below C level.
What's the difference between a saxophonist and a gentleman?
A gentleman knows how to play but doesn't.
What is the best recording of the Creston Saxophone Sonata?
Music Minus One.
How do you define a perfect pitch?
Throwing an alto sax in a toilet from 20 feet with out hitting the rim